
Young Mathematicians Conference on Zeta Functions 2024 slides: see previous talks.

My name is Risan. I am a 2nd-year mathematics master's degree student at Nagoya University under the supervision of Prof. Henrik Bachmann. My research interest is around finite multiple zeta values and modular forms.

I am also interested with various computer science topics due to my past background. In particular, I am very fond with algorithms in general, and used to compete in quite a lot of programming competitions. Notably, I represented Indonesia in the International Olympiad in Informatics 2008-2009, represented Nanyang Technological University in the ACM ICPC World Finals 2012, and was red in Codeforces. I am also interested in education and was one of the main coach for Indonesian national team for the International Olympiad in Informatics for several years.

In my previous life, I was also a senior software engineer and a Tech Lead with backgrounds in MANGA (or previously FAANG) companies. You can find my LinkedIn profile here.

For non-academic matters, the best way to contact me will be through LinkedIn. For academic matters, I can be contacted (for now) through {my-one-word-name}.e6 (at) math.nagoya-u.ac.jp.



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